Human Resource Management

Resource Management


We called into action because the staff is unable to produce information for the management,

  1. Leave
  2. The efficiency of resource management
  3. Part-time employee operation
  4. Allowance claims
  5. Operation visibility
  6. Staff Appraisal

To generate the above information, the Human Resource staff used complicated Excel sheets. But encountered tremendous difficulties:

  1. Each month, work schedule information, staff performance data, are re-entered into Excel spreadsheets.
  2. With complex Excel macro, linked sheets, they try to generate the above reports.
  3. The HR staff then, have to generate multiple allowance claims forms per employee manually.
  4. As the business environment is very dynamic, schedule changes, last minutes leave application and so on, it affects the final results. In many instances, the HR staff needs to perform Step (1) to (3) again. Each run of Steps 1-3 takes a minimum of 3 full days - due to data re-organization, missing data causing the macro to break and so on.
  5. Furthermore, the result is not visible well enough for management - presentation of a long spreadsheet full of the formula is not an idea.
  6. And, it is almost impossible to compile a yearly report as monthly data are locked within the Excel spreadsheet per month.


A Windows form, a multi-threads application written in C# is created:

  1. It allows performing importing of work schedule, performance data to the system.
  2. All required reports are generated automatically all in Excel and Crystal Report formats.





With the new system,

  1. Reports in Excel have generated automatically:
    • Employee Claims Cost
    • Leave Report
    • Shifts reporting
    • Per Hour Breakdown
    • Resource Allocation (Distribution by the hour)
    • Part-time claim Cost
    • Appraisal Report
  2. Allowance Claims Forms are auto-generated per employee.
  3. Changes are handled via re-importing the data to the database.

So, it is very clear that the HR staff is very happy with the new software:

  1. With a few clicks, the system generates information that the management needs.
  2. The above reports are defined by the management, each with an objective in mind. The improve in report visibility is key for better management decisions making.
  3. Improve data accuracy as no or minimum data entry is required.
  4. Open up a full potential for longer terms (yearly or longer) data analytics operation.