Walk the Digital Transformation journey together

Corporate Overview

We are in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution. When we first founded “Adroit Millennium Pte LtdROC 200606072H more than 10 years ago (2006), we envisage that our life will be affected by the evolution of AI technologies in the millennium. The advancement in digital technologies is giving us both challenges and opportunities, as per Chinese Characters: 危机。

One challenge is the emergence of disruption technologies – for example, Ubel disrupts the transportation industry, whilst, Airbnb affects hotel businesses. So, now businesses have to react. To embrace digital technology to optimize their business process and ecosystems, and, to innovate new ways of running a business (i.e. business model). This process is collectively termed as “Digital Transformation”.

It is not an easy process. Embarking on a digital transformation effort is full of potential risks. Without experience digital specialists, your digitizing efforts may fail and you will lose your investments, and losing precious time to catch up with your competitors.

We walk the Digital Transformation journey with you together!

With our extensive experiences, continuous efforts in developing intelligent solutions that optimize your processes, we can be your valued partner to support you in the Digital Transformation journey.